Access Controls Reference
This guide shows you how to use Teleport roles to manage role-based access controls (RBAC) in your Teleport cluster.
A Teleport role manages access by having two lists of rules: allow
rules and
rules. When declaring access rules, keep in mind the following:
- Nothing is allowed by default.
- Deny rules get evaluated first and take priority.
- Deny rules should be avoided on roles granted through Access Lists.
You can use any of the following to manage Teleport roles and other dynamic resources:
- Teleport Web UI
- The
client tool - Teleport Terraform provider
- Teleport Kubernetes operator
- Custom API clients
To read more about managing dynamic resources, see the Dynamic Resources guide.
You can view all roles in your cluster on your local workstation by running the following commands:
Log in to your cluster with tsh so you can use tctl from your local machine.
tsh login --user=myuser --proxy=example.teleport.shtctl get roles
Backing up production instances, environments, and/or settings before making permanent modifications is encouraged as a best practice. Doing so allows you to roll back to an existing state if needed.
Example role specification
Here is a full role specification:
kind: role
version: v7
name: example
description: This is an example role.
# options specify connection, in case if user has multiple non-default
# conflicting options, teleport chooses the least permissive value.
# max_session_ttl defines the TTL (time to live) of certificates
# issued to the users with this role.
max_session_ttl: 8h
# forward_agent controls whether SSH agent forwarding is allowed
forward_agent: true
# ssh_port_forwarding controls which TCP port forwarding modes are allowed over SSH. This replaces
# the deprecated port_forwarding field, which did not differentiate between remote and local
# port forwarding modes. If you have any existing roles that allow forwarding by enabling the
# legacy port_forwarding field then the forwarding controls configured in ssh_port_forwarding will be
# ignored.
# configures remote port forwarding behavior
enabled: true
# configures local port forwarding behavior
enabled: true
# ssh_file_copy controls whether file copying (SCP/SFTP) is allowed.
# Defaults to true.
ssh_file_copy: false
# client_idle_timeout determines if SSH sessions to cluster nodes are
# forcefully terminated after no activity from a client (idle client).
# it overrides the global cluster setting. examples: '30m', '1h' or '1h30m'
client_idle_timeout: never
# Determines if the clients will be forcefully disconnected when their
# certificates expire in the middle of an active session.
# It overrides the global cluster setting.
disconnect_expired_cert: no
# max_sessions is the total number of session channels that can be established
# across a single connection. Setting it to 10 matches OpenSSH default behavior.
# (enterprise-only)
max_sessions: 10
# Defines which events are recorded by the BPF-based session recorder.
- command
- disk
- network
# permit_x11_forwarding allows users to use X11 forwarding with openssh
# clients and servers through the proxy
permit_x11_forwarding: true
# device_trust_mode enforces authenticated device access for assigned user of this role.
device_trust_mode: optional|required|off
# require_session_mfa require per-session MFA for any assigned user of this role
require_session_mfa: true
# mfa_verification_interval optionally defines the maximum duration that can elapse between successive MFA verifications.
# This variable is used to ensure that users are periodically prompted to verify their identity, enhancing
# security by preventing prolonged sessions without re-authentication when using tsh proxy * derivatives.
mfa_verification_interval: 1h
# lock sets locking mode for user of this role,
# valid values are 'strict' or 'best_effort'
lock: strict
# enterprise-only request_access field is 'optional', 'always' or 'reason'. If set to always or reason,
# it instructs tsh or the web UI clients to always create an Access Request. If it is
# set to 'reason', the user will be required to indicate why they are
# generating the Access Request.
request_access: reason
# the 'request_prompt' field can be used to tell the user what should
# be supplied in the request reason field.
request_prompt: Please provide your ticket ID
# enterprise-only max_connections field sets a limit of concurrent sessions within a
# cluster. This setting slows down Teleport performance because it has to track
# connections cluster-wide.
max_connections: 2
# limit number of concurrent Kubernetes sessions per user
max_kubernetes_connections: 1
# Define how Teleport deals with session recording failures, such as a full
# disk error. The value can be set to either 'best_effort' or 'strict'. If
# set to 'strict', the session will terminate immediately. If set to
# 'best_effort', the session won’t be terminated, and the recording will be
# disabled. The configuration is done per service (currently, only 'ssh' is
# supported).
# Specify whether or not to record the user's desktop sessions.
# Desktop session recording is enabled if one or more of the user's
# roles has enabled recording. Defaults to true if unspecified.
# Desktop sessions will never be recorded if auth_service.session_recording
# is set to 'off' in teleport.yaml (Auth Service) or if the cluster's
# session_recording_config resource has set 'mode: off'.
desktop: true
# Optional: the default session recording mode to use when a
# protocol-specific mode is not set.
default: best_effort|strict
# Optional: Session recording mode for SSH sessions (Teleport Server
# Access). If not set, the value set on default will be used.
ssh: best_effort|strict
# Specify whether clipboard sharing should be allowed with the
# remote desktop (requires a supported browser). Defaults to true
# if unspecified. If one or more of the user's roles has disabled
# the clipboard, then it will be disabled.
desktop_clipboard: true
# Specify whether directory sharing should be allowed from the
# local machine to remote desktop (requires a supported browser). Defaults to true
# if unspecified. If one or more of the user's roles has disabled
# directory sharing, then it will be disabled.
desktop_directory_sharing: true
# enterprise-only: when enabled, the source IP that was used to log in is embedded in the user
# certificates, preventing a compromised certificate from being used on another
# network. The default is false.
pin_source_ip: true
# Specify a list of names and associated values to be included in user SSH keys.
# The key type can only be 'ssh' and the mode can only be 'extension'.
# The name and value fields can be arbitrary strings and the value field
# supports variable interpolation.
- type: ssh
mode: extension
value: '{{ external.github_login }}'
# Controls whether this role supports auto-provisioning of SSH users.
# Options: keep (keep users at session end), insecure-drop (remove user on session end),
# and off (disable host user creation)
create_host_user_mode: keep
# Sets the default shell for auto-provisioned SSH users. An absolute path to a shell or a name
# reachable through the system PATH are both valid values. Only applies when
# create_host_user_mode is not set to off.
create_host_user_default_shell: bash
# Controls whether this role requires automatic database user provisioning.
# Options: off (disable database user auto-provisioning), keep (disables the
# user at session end, removing the roles and locking it), and
# best_effort_drop (try to drop the user at session end, if it doesn't
# succeed, fallback to disabling it).
create_db_user_mode: keep
# Specifies role specific options for identity provider access.
# Specifies role specific options for SAML identity provider access.
# Specifies whether this role has access to the SAML identity provider.
# Defaults to true.
enabled: true
# The allow section declares a list of resource/verb combinations that are
# allowed for the users of this role. By default, nothing is allowed.
# The logins array defines the OS/UNIX logins a user is allowed to use.
# both strings and template variables are supported in this field
logins: [root, '{{internal.logins}}']
# Windows logins a user is allowed to use for desktop sessions.
windows_desktop_logins: [Administrator, '{{internal.logins}}']
# node_labels: a user with this role will be allowed to connect to
# SSH nodes with labels matching below.
# literal strings:
'env': 'test'
# the wildcard ('*') means any node
'*': '*'
# a list of alternative options:
'region': ['us-west-1', 'eu-central-1']
# Regular expressions start with ^ and end with $.
# Teleport uses Go's regular expression syntax:
# The list example above can be expressed as:
# 'region': '^us-west-1|eu-central-1$'
'reg': '^us-west-1|eu-central-1$'
# List of host groups the created user will be added to. Any that don't
# already exist are created. Only applies when create_host_user_mode
# is not 'off'.
host_groups: [ubuntu, nginx, other]
# List of entries to include in a temporary sudoers file created in
# `/etc/sudoers.d`. The records are removed on session close.
host_sudoers: [
# This line will allow the login user to run `systemctl restart nginx.service`
# as root without requiring a password. The sudoers entry will be prefixed
# with the logged in username.
"ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/systemctl restart nginx.service"
# kubernetes_groups specifies Kubernetes groups a user with this role will assume.
# You can refer to a SAML/OIDC trait via the 'external' property bag.
# This allows you to specify Kubernetes group membership in an identity manager:
kubernetes_groups: ['system:masters', '{{external.trait_name}}']
# kubernetes_users is an optional field that specifies kubernetes users
# this role can assume.
kubernetes_users: ['IAM#{{}};']
# kubernetes_labels: a user with this role will be allowed to connect to
# k8s clusters with labels matching below.
# A user can only access prod environments
'env': 'prod'
# User can access any region in us-west, e.g us-west-1, us-west-2
'region': 'us-west-*'
# Regular expressions start with ^ and end with $.
# Teleport uses Go's regular expression syntax:
# The list example above can be expressed as:
# 'region': '^us-west-1|eu-central-1$'
'cluster_name': '^us.*\.example\.com$'
# kubernetes_resources indicates the Kubernetes resources that a user with
# this role is allowed to access.
# The resource kind. Teleport currently supports:
# - * (all resources)
# - pod
# - secret
# - configmap
# - namespace
# - service
# - serviceaccount
# - kube_node
# - persistentvolume
# - persistentvolumeclaim
# - deployment
# - replicaset
# - statefulset
# - daemonset
# - clusterrole
# - kube_role
# - clusterrolebinding
# - rolebinding
# - cronjob
# - job
# - certificatesigningrequest
# - ingress
- kind: '*'
# The name of the Kubernetes namespace in which to allow access the
# resources you specify with 'name' and 'kind'.
# The wildcard character '*' matches any sequence of characters.
# If the value begins with '^' and ends with '$', the Kubernetes
# Service will treat it as a regular expression.
namespace: '*'
# The name of the resource to allow access to.
# The wildcard character '*' matches any sequence of characters.
# If the value begins with '^' and ends with '$', the Kubernetes
# Service will treat it as a regular expression.
name: '^nginx-[a-z0-9-]+$'
# The verbs that the user is allowed to perform on the resource.
# Teleport currently supports:
# - * (all verbs)
# - get
# - list
# - watch
# - create
# - update
# - patch
# - delete
# - deletecollection
# - exec - allows users to execute commands in a pod
# - portforward - allows users to forward ports from a pod
verbs: ['*']
# Functions transform variables.
db_users: ['{{email.local(}}']
db_names: ['{{external.db_names}}']
'env': '{{regexp.replace(external.env, "^(staging)$", "$1")}}'
# List of database roles to grant. Mutually exclusive with 'db_permissions'.
db_roles: ['{{external.db_roles}}']
# Grant all possible Postgres permissions for all tables.
# List of database permissions to grant. Mutually exclusive with 'db_roles'.
- match:
object_kind: table
# app_labels: a user with this role will be allowed to connect to
# applications with labels matching below.
# A user can only access prod environments
'env': 'prod'
# User can access any region in us-west, e.g us-west-1, us-west-2
'region': 'us-west-*'
# Regular expressions start with ^ and end with $.
# Teleport uses Go's regular expression syntax:
# The list example above can be expressed as:
# 'region': '^us-west-1|eu-central-1$'
'cluster_name': '^us.*\.example\.com$'
# group_labels: a user with this role will be given permissions to the
# underlying user_groups. Services such as the Okta service may use these
# permissions to grant access to external services.
# A user is given group membership to production related groups.
'env': 'prod'
# cluster_labels: a user with this role will be allowed to connect to remote
# clusters with labels matching below.
'env': 'prod'
# node_labels_expression has the same purpose as node_labels but
# supports predicate expressions to configure custom logic.
# A user with this role will be allowed to access nodes if they are in the
# staging environment *or* if they belong to one of the user's own teams.
node_labels_expression: |
labels["env"] == "staging" ||
contains(user.spec.traits["teams"] , labels["team"])
# The below <kind>_labels_expression fields have the same purpose of the
# matching <kind>_labels fields, but support predicate expressions instead
# of label matchers.
app_labels_expression: 'labels["env"] == "staging"'
cluster_labels_expression: 'labels["env"] == "staging"'
kubernetes_labels_expression: 'labels["env"] == "staging"'
db_labels_expression: 'labels["env"] == "staging"'
db_service_labels_expression: 'labels["env"] == "staging"'
windows_desktop_labels_expression: 'labels["env"] == "staging"'
group_labels_expression: 'labels["env"] == "staging"'
# aws_role_arns allows a user with this role to assume AWS roles when
# accessing AWS console using UI or AWS API using CLI
- 'arn:aws:iam::1234567890:role/ec2-read-only'
- 'arn:aws:iam::1234567890:role/ec2-full-access'
- 'arn:aws:iam::0987654321:role/example-role'
# AWS account and permission set bindings for the Identity Center integration
- # AWS identity center account ID
account: "<account_id>"
# name of the permission set in AWS
name: AdministratorAccess
# permission set ARN
permission_set: arn:aws:sso:::permissionSet/ssoins-1234/ps-5678 # permission set ARN
# impersonate allows a user with this role to issue certificates on behalf
# of other users and roles matching expressions below
users: ['*']
roles: ['jenkins']
# where is an optional where condition
# further limiting the scope for matching users and roles
where: >
contains(user.spec.traits["group"], impersonate_role.metadata.labels["group"]) &&
contains(user.spec.traits["group"], impersonate_user.metadata.labels["group"])
# review_requests allows a user holding this role
# to approve or deny Access Requests (enterprise-only)
# the reviewer can view and approve or deny access requests for any roles
# listed here
roles: ['dbadmin']
# the reviewer can preview details about resources accessible by any roles
# listed in preview_as_roles when reviewing Resource Access Requests
preview_as_roles: ['dbadmin']
# request allows a user user request roles matching
# expressions below
# the 'roles' list can be a mixture of literals and wildcard matchers
roles: ['common', 'dev-*']
# 'search_as_roles' allows users to search for and request access to
# resources accessible by the listed roles (enterprise-only)
search_as_roles: ['access']
# 'kubernetes_resources' restricts what kinds of Kubernetes resources
# a user can request access to. In the below example, users can
# request only Kubernetes namespaces. Default (when nothing is defined) allows
# access requests to any Kubernetes resource or the entire cluster.
- kind: "namespace"
# 'reason' defines settings for the reason for the access provided by the user.
# 'mode' can be either "required" or "optional". Empty string is treated as
# "optional". If a role has the request reason mode set to "required", then reason
# is required for all Access Requests requesting roles or resources allowed by
# this role. It applies only to users who have this role assigned.
mode: "optional"
# thresholds specifies minimum amount of approvers and deniers,
# defaults to 1 for both (enterprise-only)
# requires at least two qualifying approvers and at least one denier.
- approve: 2
deny: 1
# max_duration specifies the maximum duration for which a user can request
# access to a role. The duration can be specified in seconds (s), minutes
# (m), hours (h), or days (d), e.g. 4d, 10h, 30m, 60s.
# The maximum duration is 14 days.
max_duration: 7d
# the 'claims_to_roles' mapping works the same as it does in
# the OIDC connector, with the added benefit that the roles being mapped to
# can also be matchers.
# This example leverages Teleport's regular expression support, which allows
# for dynamic mapping from claims. The below mapping says that users with
# claims that match 'projects: product-(.*)' can request roles that match
# '$1-admin', where '$1' is the first capture group in the
# regular expression.
# Example: the 'projects: product-foo' claim allows a user to request the
# 'foo-admin' role
- claim: 'projects'
# matches all group names with a leading 'product-'
value: '^product-(.*)$'
# generates a role name from the value capture
roles: ['$1-admin']
# Teleport can attach annotations to pending Access Requests. These
# annotations may be literals, or be variable interpolation expressions,
# effectively creating a means for propagating selected claims from an
# external identity provider to the plugin system.
foo: ['bar']
groups: ['{{external.groups}}']
# Moderated Sessions policy that dictates requirements for starting a session.
# Defines the name of the policy. The name serves only as an
# identifier in logs and for organisation/categorisation.
- name: Auditor oversight
# Specifies an RBAC predicate that is used to define
# which users count against the required user count of the policy.
filter: 'contains(user.spec.roles, 'auditor')'
# The different session kinds this policy applies to.
kinds: ['k8s', 'ssh']
# A list of session participant modes that a participant must have
# one of in order to count against the policy.
modes: ['moderator']
# The minimum amount of users that need to match the filter expression
# in order to satisfy the policy.
count: 1
# The action to take if a moderator leaves a session, causing the policy to no longer be satisfied.
# This may be either 'terminate' or 'pause'. An empty or unknown value will default to 'terminate'.
on_leave: 'terminate'
# Moderated Sessions policy that dictates the ability to join sessions
# Defines the name of the policy. The name serves only as an
# identifier in logs and for organisation/categorisation.
- name: Auditor oversight
# Allows one to join sessions created by other users with these roles
roles : ['prod-access']
# The different session kinds this policy applies to.
kinds: ['k8s', 'ssh']
# The list of session participant modes the role may join the session as.
modes: ['moderator', 'observer', 'peer']
# spiffe is a list of SPIFFE IDs that the role holder is allowed to request
# SVIDs for. As long as the request matches one of the blocks within the
# spiffe list, the certificate will be issued.
# The path of the SPIFFE ID that can be requested. This field is
# required for each block. It must begin with a preceding slash and
# should not contain a trailing slash.
- path: "/svc/foo"
# IP SANs that the user can request be included in a SVID along with the
# SPIFFE ID in this block. This field is optional and if omitted,
# the user will not be able to request a SVID with IP SANs.
ip_sans: [""]
# DNS SANs that the user can request be included in a SVID along with
# the SPIFFE ID in this block. This field is optional and if omitted,
# the user will not be able to request a SVID with DNS SANs.
# The '*' wildcard character is supported to indicated one or more of
# any character. For example, '*' would match
# ''.
dns_sans: [""]
# GitHub-related permissions used for proxying Git commands.
# List of GitHub organizations the user has access to.
- orgs:
- my-org
# rules allow a user holding this role to modify other resources
# matching the expressions below
# supported resources:
# role - role resource
# user - user resource
# auth_connector - any auth connector resource
# oidc - OIDC connector resource
# saml - connector resource
# github - GitHub connector resource
# trusted_cluster - Trusted cluster resource
# remote_cluster - remote cluster resource
# access_request - Access Request resource
# access_plugin_data - allows modifying Access Request plugin data
# session - session playback records
# session_tracker - an active session
# instance - a Teleport instance
# event - structured audit logging event
# lock - lock resource.
# network_restrictions - restrictions for SSH sessions
# auth_server - Auth Service resource
# proxy - Proxy Service resource
# node - SSH node resource
# app - application resource
# db - database resource
# kube_cluster - Kubernetes cluster resource
# token - provisioning token resource
# cert_authority - certificate authority resource
# git_server - Git server resource
# cluster_name - resource that contains the cluster name.
# cluster_config - resource that holds cluster level config
# cluster_auth_preference - type of authentication for this cluster
# session_recording_config - resource for session recording config
# cluster_audit_config - resource that holds cluster audit config
# cluster_networking_config - resource that holds cluster networking config
- resources: [role]
verbs: [list, create, read, update, delete]
- resources: [auth_connector]
verbs: [list, create, read, update, delete]
- resources: [session]
verbs: [list, read]
- resources: [trusted_cluster]
verbs: [list, create, read, update, delete]
- resources: [event]
verbs: [list, read]
- resources: [user]
verbs: [list, create, read, update, delete]
- resources: [token]
verbs: [list, create, read, update, delete]
# The deny section uses the identical format as the 'allow' section.
# The deny rules always override allow rules.
deny: {}
Role options
A role can define certain restrictions on sessions initiated by users. The table below documents the behavior of each option if multiple roles are assigned to a user:
Option | Description | Multi-role behavior |
max_session_ttl | Max. time to live (TTL) of a user's SSH certificates | The shortest TTL wins |
forward_agent | Allow SSH agent forwarding | Logical "OR" i.e. if any role allows agent forwarding, it's allowed |
ssh_port_forwarding | Allow TCP port forwarding | Logical "AND" i.e. if any role denies port forwarding, it's denied |
ssh_file_copy | Allow SCP/SFTP | Logical "AND" i.e. if all roles allows file copying, it's allowed |
client_idle_timeout | Forcefully terminate active sessions after an idle interval | The shortest timeout value wins, i.e. the most restrictive value is selected |
disconnect_expired_cert | Forcefully terminate active sessions when a client certificate expires | Logical "OR" i.e. evaluates to "yes" if at least one role requires session termination |
max_sessions | Total number of session channels which can be established across a single SSH connection via Teleport | The lowest value takes precedence. |
enhanced_recording | Indicates which events should be recorded by the BFP-based session recorder | |
permit_x11_forwarding | Allow users to enable X11 forwarding with OpenSSH clients and servers | |
device_trust_mode | Enforce authenticated device access for users assigned this role (required , optional , off ). Applies only to the resources in the roles' allow field. | |
require_session_mfa | Enforce per-session MFA or PIV-hardware key restrictions on user login sessions (no , yes , hardware_key , hardware_key_touch ). Applies only to the resources in the roles' allow field. | For per-session MFA, Logical "OR" i.e. evaluates to "yes" if at least one role requires session MFA |
mfa_verification_interval | Define the maximum duration that can elapse between successive MFA verifications | The shortest interval wins |
lock | Locking mode (strict or best_effort ) | strict wins in case of conflict |
request_access | Enterprise-only Access Request strategy (optional , always or reason ) | |
request_prompt | Prompt for the Access Request "reason" field | |
max_connections | Enterprise-only limit on how many concurrent sessions can be started via Teleport | The lowest value takes precedence. |
max_kubernetes_connections | Defines the maximum number of concurrent Kubernetes sessions per user | |
record_session | Defines the Session recording mode. | The strictest value takes precedence. |
desktop_clipboard | Allow clipboard sharing for desktop sessions | Logical "AND" i.e. evaluates to "yes" if all roles enable clipboard sharing |
desktop_directory_sharing | Allows sharing local workstation directory to remote desktop | Logical "AND" i.e. evaluates to "yes" if all roles enable directory sharing |
pin_source_ip | Enable source IP pinning for SSH certificates. | Logical "OR" i.e. evaluates to "yes" if at least one role requires session termination |
cert_extensions | Specifies extensions to be included in SSH certificates | |
create_host_user_mode | Allow users to be automatically created on a host | Logical "AND" i.e. if all roles matching a server specify host user creation (off , keep , insecure-drop ), it will evaluate to the option specified by all of the roles. If some roles specify both insecure-drop or keep it will evaluate to keep |
create_db_user_mode | Allow database user auto provisioning. Options: off (disable database user auto-provisioning), keep (disables the user at session end, removing the roles and locking it), and best_effort_drop (try to drop the user at session end, if it doesn't succeed, fallback to disabling it). | Logical "OR" i.e. if any role allows database user auto-provisioning, it's allowed |
Preset roles
Teleport provides several preset roles:
Role | Description | Enterprise-only |
access | Allows access to cluster resources. | |
editor | Allows editing of cluster configuration settings. | |
auditor | Allows reading cluster events, audit logs, and playing back session records. | |
requester | Allows a user to create Access Requests. | ✔ |
reviewer | Allows review of Access Requests. | ✔ |
group-access | Allows access to all user groups. | ✔ |
device-admin | Used to manage trusted devices. | ✔ |
device-enroll | Used to grant device enrollment powers to users. | ✔ |
require-trusted-device | Requires trusted device access to resources. | ✔ |
terraform-provider | Allows the Teleport Terraform provider to configure all of its supported Teleport resources. | ✔ |
Role versions
There are currently five supported role versions: v3
, v4
, v5
, v6
, and v7
and higher roles are completely backwards compatible with v3
. The only difference
lies in the default values which will be applied to the role if they are not explicitly set.
Additionally, roles with version v5
or higher are required to use Moderated Sessions.
Label | v3 Default | v4 and higher Default |
node_labels | [{"*": "*"}] if the role has any logins, else [] | [] |
app_labels | [{"*": "*"}] | [] |
kubernetes_labels | [{"*": "*"}] | [] |
db_labels | [{"*": "*"}] | [] |
Role v6
introduced a new field kubernetes_resources
that allows
fine-grained control over Kubernetes resources. See Kubernetes RBAC for more details.
Version | kubernetes_resources |
v3 , v4 and v5 Default | [{"kind":"pod", "name":"*", "namespace":"*", "verbs": ["*"]}] |
v6 Default | [] |
v7 Default | [{"kind":"*", "name":"*", "namespace":"*", "verbs": ["*"]}] |
RBAC for infrastructure resources
A Teleport role defines which resources (e.g., applications, servers, and databases) a user can access. This works by labeling resources and configuring allow/deny labels in a role definition.
Consider the following use case:
The infrastructure is split into staging/production environments using labels
like environment=production
and environment=staging
You can create roles that only have access to one environment.
Let's say you create an intern role with the allow rule for label environment=staging
The role below allows access to all nodes labeled "env=stage" except those that also have "workload=database" or "workload=backup".
Access to any other nodes will be denied.
kind: role
version: v5
name: example-role
'env': 'stage'
# Multiple labels are interpreted as an "or" operation. In this case,
# Teleport will deny access to any node labeled as 'workload=database' or
# 'workload=backup'
'workload': ['database', 'backup']
Teleport handles multiple label entries with logical "AND" operations.
As an example, this entry would match to databases that have the env: prod
label and a region
label of either us-west-1
or eu-central-1
'env': 'prod'
'region': ['us-west-1', 'eu-central-1']
Resource labels can be dynamic, i.e. determined at runtime by an output of an executable. In this case, you can implement "permissions follow workload" policies (eg., any server where PostgreSQL is running becomes automatically accessible only by the members of the "DBA" group and nobody else).
Extended label matching syntax
Below are a few examples for more complex filtering using various regexes.
kind: role
version: v5
name: example-role
# literal strings:
'environment': 'test'
# the wildcard ('*') means "any node"
'*': '*'
# a list of alternative options:
'environment': ['test', 'staging']
# regular expressions are also supported, for example the equivalent
# of the list example above can be expressed as:
'environment': '^test|staging$'
Label expressions
Teleport roles also support matching resource labels with predicate expressions when you need to:
- combine logic with OR and AND operators
- perform matching on label keys
- implement negative matches
The following example role would allow access to any nodes labeled env=staging
or labeled team=<team>
, where <team>
is one of the values of the user's
kind: role
version: v7
name: example-role
node_labels_expression: |
labels["env"] == "staging" ||
contains(user.spec.traits["teams"], labels["team"])
The <kind>_labels_expression
fields have the same purpose of the
matching <kind>_labels
fields, but support predicate expressions instead
of label matchers.
They can be used in the following fields of role spec.allow
and spec.deny
Check out our predicate language guide for a more in depth explanation of the language.
Typically you will only want to use one of <kind>_labels
in a single role, but you are allowed to specify
If you have both in a deny rule, the matching is greedy, if either one matches
access will be denied.
In an allow rule, the matching is not greedy, if both are set they both have to
match for access to be allowed.
RBAC for dynamic Teleport resources
RBAC lets teams limit what resources are available to Teleport users. This can
be helpful if, for example, you don't want regular users editing SSO
) or creating and editing new roles (role
A rule for modifying RBAC resources consists of two parts: the resources and
verbs. Here's an example of an allow
rule describing a list
verb applied to
the SSH sessions
resource. It means "allow users of this role to see a list
of active SSH sessions".
- resources: [session]
verbs: [list]
If this rule was declared in the deny
section of a role definition, it would
prohibit users from getting a list of active sessions. You can see all of the
available resources and verbs under the allow
section in the example role
configuration below.
Below is an example allow
section that illustrates commonly used rules
Each rule includes a list of Teleport resources and the CRUD
operations that a user is allowed to execute on them:
# CRUD options for managing Teleport Server Access Nodes
- resources:
- node
verbs: [list, create, read, update, delete]
- resources:
- app
verbs: [list, create, read, update, delete]
- resources:
- kube_service
verbs: [list, create, read, update, delete]
- resources:
- kube_cluster
verbs: [list, create, read, update, delete]
- resources:
- db
verbs: [list, create, read, update, delete]
- resources:
- windows_desktop
verbs: [list, create, read, update, delete]
- resources:
- role
verbs: [list, create, read, update, delete]
# Auth connectors are also known as SSO connectors
- resources:
- auth_connector
verbs: [list, create, read, update, delete]
# Session: Provides access to Session Recordings.
# e.g If session read is false, users can't play the recordings
# It is possible to restrict "list" but to allow "read" (in this case a user will
# be able to replay a session using `tsh play` if they know the session ID).
- resources:
- session
verbs: [list, read]
- resources:
- trusted_cluster
verbs: [list, create, read, update, delete]
# Events: Determines whether a user can view the audit log
# and session recordings.
- resources:
- event
verbs: [list, read]
- resources:
- user
verbs: [list, create, read, update, delete]
- resources:
- token
verbs: [list, create, read, update, delete]
Allowing access to token resources
If you configure a role that allows tokens to be created, users assigned to the role can create tokens to provision any type of Teleport resource. For example, you might create a role with the following configuration to enable assigned users to enroll servers:
kind: role
version: v7
name: enroll-servers
'env': 'us-lab'
- resources: [token]
verbs: [list, create, read, update, delete]
deny: {}
With these permissions, users assigned to the role can generate tokens to enroll a server, application, or database, establish a trust relationship between a root cluster and a new Teleport Proxy Service, or add a new leaf cluster.
Because the token resource isn't scoped to a specific context, such as a node or
trusted cluster, you should consider any role that provides token permissions to be
an administrative role. In particular, you should avoid configuring allow
that grant create
and update
permissions on token
resources to prevent
unexpected changes to the configuration or state of your cluster.
RBAC for sessions
It is possible to further limit access to shared sessions and session recordings. The examples below illustrate how to restrict session access only for the user who created the session.
In order for these roles to take effect, you must ensure your user doesn't also
have a more permissive role, like the preset auditor
role, which allows access
to all events, sessions, and session recordings.
Role for restricted access to session recordings:
version: v5
kind: role
name: only-own-sessions
# Users can only view session recordings for sessions in which they
# participated.
- resources: [session]
verbs: [list, read]
where: contains(session.participants,
Role for restricted access to active sessions:
version: v5
kind: role
name: only-own-ssh-sessions
# Teleport allows session access to the user's sessions
# and sessions they can join by default. This allows seeing any sessions.
- resources: [session_tracker]
verbs: ['*']
# ... and then limit that access via a deny rule.
# Deny rules take precedence over allow rules, so the resulting role
# only allows user to see their own active sessions.
- resources: [session_tracker]
verbs: [list, read, update, delete]
where: '!contains(session_tracker.participants,'
Role templates
In a Teleport role resource, certain fields allow you to use functions and variables to configure a user's access. The functions and variables available for a field depend on the access controls that the field configures.
Template expressions for access to infrastructure resources
When a user attempts to authenticate to an infrastructure resource proxied by Teleport, such as a database or Kubernetes cluster, Teleport determines from the user's roles:
- Whether the user is authorized to connect to the resource.
- Which principals the user can assume when they authenticate (for example, Linux server logins and Kubernetes groups).
The following role fields control a user's access to infrastructure resources.
All of these are fields within the allow
and deny
sections of a Teleport
role resource.
Labels for resources enrolled with Teleport:
Role Field | Teleport Resource |
app_labels | Applications |
cluster_labels | Trusted Clusters |
db_labels | Databases |
db_service_labels | Database Service instances |
kubernetes_labels | Kubernetes clusters |
node_labels | SSH Servers |
windows_desktop_labels | Windows desktops |
Principals a user can assume on infrastructure resources:
Teleport principals that a user can impersonate:
You can use the following functions in role fields that govern access to principals on infrastructure resources:
Function | Description |
{{email.local(variable)}} | Extracts the local part of an email address. |
{{regexp.replace(variable, expression, replacement)}} | Finds all matches of the expression within the variable and replaces them with the replacement. |
For fields that configure access to infrastructure resources, Teleport substitutes the following traits with data from the authenticating user, drawing from the local user database as well as the user's external single sign-on provider.
Variable | Description |
{{internal.aws_role_arns}} | List of allowed AWS role ARNS for the user. |
{{internal.azure_identities}} | Returns the Azure identities defined in Teleport available to the user. Azure identities can be set for a specific user or defined in a role. |
{{internal.db_names}} | List of all allowed database names for the user. |
{{internal.db_roles}} | List of all allowed database roles for the user. |
{{internal.db_users}} | List of all allowed database users for the user. |
{{internal.gcp_service_accounts}} | List of GCP service accounts for the user. |
{{internal.jwt}} | JWT header used for app access. |
{{internal.kubernetes_groups}} | List of allowed Kubernetes groups for the user. |
{{internal.kubernetes_users}} | List of allowed Kubernetes users for the user. |
{{internal.logins}} | Substituted with a value stored in Teleport's local user database and logins from a root cluster. For local users, Teleport will substitute this with the "allowed logins" parameter used in the tctl users add [user] <allowed logins> command. If the role is within a leaf cluster in a trusted cluster, Teleport will substitute the logins from the root cluster whether the user is a local user or from an SSO provider. As an example, if the user has the ubuntu login in the root cluster, then ubuntu will be substituted in the leaf cluster with this variable. |
{{internal.windows_logins}} | List of allowed Windows logins for the user. |
{{}} | Substituted with a value from an external SSO provider. If using SAML, this will be expanded with "xyz" assertion value. For OIDC, the variable is expanded to the value of the "xyz" claim. See the next section for more information on referring to the external variable in Teleport roles. |
Referring to internal traits in Teleport roles
The internal
trait namespace includes only the exact internal trait names
included in the above table.
For local Teleport users, these traits can be set in the spec.traits
field of the
user resource.
These trait names can also be set for SSO users if they are included in an
attribute or claim from your IdP.
Internal traits are referenced in the preset roles access
to allow access to resources based on user traits.
External traits are never referenced in preset roles (unless you manually edit
said preset roles).
You can use the following format in your role to reference an internal trait:
- '{{internal.logins}}'
For backward compatibility, some internal traits will differ when expanded
in a leaf cluster vs a root cluster.
In a leaf cluster the logins
, kubernetes_groups
, kubernetes_users
, db_users
, and aws_role_arns
traits will all be set to the
complete set of values that are encoded into the user's certificate when they
sign in to Teleport.
For example, when accessing a leaf cluster, the internal.logins
trait will be set to
the complete list of SSH logins allowed for the user, which may include values
from the user's internal.logins
trait in the root cluster as well as logins only
included in the spec.allow.logins
field of roles the user holds in the root cluster.
Referring to external traits in Teleport roles
For local Teleport users, the external
trait namespace includes all values
from the spec.traits
field of the user resource.
This includes any custom trait names, as well as names matching the internal
traits listed above.
For example, {{internal.logins}}
and {{external.logins}}
are both valid ways
to refer to the logins
trait, but a custom trait called groups
can only be
referenced by {{external.groups}}
When a user authenticates to Teleport through a single sign-on identity provider
(IdP), Teleport populates external
traits using attributes it receives from the
For example, assuming you have the following SAML assertion attribute in your
<Attribute Name="">
... you can use the following format in your role:
- '{{external[""]}}'
In role templates, you can refer to these variables using the following two
formats, where trait
is the name of the trait:
- Dot syntax:
- Bracket syntax:
Teleport expands the template variables above with the value of the SAML
attribute or OIDC claim called trait
You can specify an external trait in dot syntax if it begins with a letter and contains only letters, numbers, and underscores. Otherwise, you must use bracket syntax to specify a trait.
When using Microsoft Entra ID or ADFS as your IdP, you must use bracket notation, as these IdPs assign attribute keys to URLs such as the following:
Common examples of external traits available through an identity provider include the following:
Teleport can only expand an external
variable to a string or a list of
strings. If you are using an OIDC-based SSO solution, ensure that you have
configured your identity provider to include claims with values that have a
supported data type.
Refer to your identity provider's documentation for the complete list of available claims and attributes.
Access Request template functions
The following variables and functions allow more fine-grained control over a user's permissions to submit and review Access Requests.
You can use Access Request template functions in the following fields. You can
include these fields within either allow
rules or deny
Access Requests support the following role template functions:
Function | Description |
{{regexp.match(regexp)}} | Returns true if the regular expression matches a user's role. |
{{regexp.not_match(regexp)}} | Returns true if the regular expression does not match a user's role. |
Regular expressions support both glob-style wildcards (the *
character) and
Go-style regular expressions. If an expression
begins with the ^
character and ends with the $
character, Teleport will
evaluate it as a regular expression. Otherwise, it will evaluate it as a
wildcard expression. Wildcards match any sequence of zero or more characters.
Teleport does not perform variable expansion on the values of the fields above.
Filter fields
Here is an explanation of the fields used in the where
and filter
within this guide:
Field | Description |
user.spec.roles | The list of roles assigned to a user |
session.participants | The list of participants from a session recording |
session_tracker.participants | The list of participants from the session | | The user's name |
Read the predicate language guide for a more in depth explanation of the language.